Detective Arthur Dorsett was shot and mortally wounded while attempting to recover stolen property.
On August 6, 1917, Detective Arthur M. Dorsett and Detective John Clifford were attempting to recover a valuable stolen bulldog from the apartment of a known confidence man, William David Jones, at 1023 Charlotte when the man ran from the room and returned with a gun. The officers were caught by surprise, and both were shot before they could draw their weapons. Dorsett managed to reach his gun and wounded the attacker before collapsing. Detective Clifford drew his revolver but it malfunctioned allowing the cylinder to drop out of the weapon. The attacker escaped, but an intensive manhunt found him by the following day. Detective Dorsett was taken to St. Mary's hospital where he underwent surgery for a stomach wound. Detective Dorsett died from his injuries on August 7, 1917 at 12:50 am.
Detective Clifford was taken to General Hospital where he received treatment for a through-and-through wound to his right lung. He survived his wounds.
Detective Dorsett was survived by his wife, Anna, and fourteen year-old daughter. Interment: St. Mary's Cemetery.
The suspect, William Jones fled the scene, officers followed several blocks by his trail of blood but he was not taken into custody that evening. Jones was apprehended and his original preliminary hearing date was August 25, 1917. On October 13, 1917, Jones was sentenced to fifty years in prison for the murder of Detective Dorsett.
Article by Brent Marchant